Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Justin and Angie Haigler get REAL about their Family Matters
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Today our lead pastor Justin Haigler returns to the BWTSC Podcast and brings his better half, Angie Haigler, in to talk about their own Family, how difficult family can be, why counseling has vastly improved Angies life in the last few years, and what to do if you feel like your family is struggling.
MARK YOU CALENDARS for Sunday, March 20th at the Louisiana Boardwalk for the Simple Church Good Times Roll: A Do Good Day to help families going through adolescent cancer. Check out all the fun ways you can your friends or family can have a good time and #DoGood in the process here: http://thesimplechurch.tv/events/events
We want to hear your answers! E-mail Scott@thesimplechurch.tv and / or follow @theSimpleChurch on Facebook or Instagram to DM us!
If you have feedback for the podcast, have a guest suggestion, or just want to talk to Scott, e-mail Scott@thesimplechurch.tv and follow us on Instagram @thesimplechurchpodcast .
You can also find out more about the Simple Church at www.theSimpleChurch.tv .